Hi Pawbly friends- my neighbor 2 houses down has chickens- they are free range, so they frequent …

Hi Pawbly friends- my neighbor 2 houses down has chickens- they are free range, so they frequent our yard. I honestly do not mind; we live in the country and I’m not worried if my lawn looks like a golf course or my garden is picked through. A few months ago, one of our shepherds got one of the chickens as it was running from our yard, I assume back to it’s yard. Sadly, she got it right next door at the house between us. Since then I have tried to be diligent about when I let the dogs out to check and see if the chickens are out and where they are. On Saturday my son had the dogs with him in the driveway and didn’t notice the chickens down below and one of the dogs got one by our garage at the bottom of our driveway. He did not tell me this by the way until this past Thursday. He told me Thursday because yet again, he was in the driveway with the dogs and one of them saw a chicken in our front yard and gave chase- ended up killing it in the house between’s yard again. I of course went to the neighbor down the street right away and told her what happened. She is very angry and upset, understandably. I asked if there was anything that I could do- but honestly she wanted nothing to do with me, so I let myself out. I’m devastated and have told the kids they cannot be outside with the dogs anymore unless I am with them or the chickens are not out. I got some gift cards to shoprite and wrote another apology and left it on her door as she didn’t answer. We are looking into a fence of about 900 feet if we can afford it, to put up just between our acreage and our immediate neighbor’s yard in an effort to keep the chicken out and the dogs temptation at bay. My fear is that I won’t be able to let my dogs outside now that they have found out about chasing chickens. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry about what happened. I’m sure you are devastated. Here’s my best advice. I would call animal control and ask for their advice. This does two things. One it protects you and your dogs and two it puts her on notice. It’s hard to be good neighbors with bad blood in between. Next I would keep your dogs leashed at all times and in your yard. While she is ultimately at fault as her pets were on your property I worry that the prey drive will increase and it might be a dog or a cat next time.… Read more »