Hi Pawbly friends. Quick question about apples???? Rontu and Riva (GSDs about 85 and 70 lbs. respectively) found …

Hi Pawbly friends. Quick question about apples???? Rontu and Riva (GSDs about 85 and 70 lbs. respectively) found apples that Were put in the compost because they were going soft. They just finished chowing down about three of them- the rest have been removed from them. Safe? Watch to make sure they don’t have any issues going? Or is it something we should be more concerned about!

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Then only toxic part are the seeds. And you have to ingest a huge amount for them to be toxic. So no worries.

5 years ago

Apples make a GREAT doggy snack! If they’d started to ferment, you might have slightly tipsy dogs on your hands (you don’t want to know how I learned about that…). Otherwise…let’em have a slice or two when you’re snacking on them every so often. 🙂