Hi Pawbly friends! We are in WV – beautiful place to rejuvenate the spirit. One of …

Hi Pawbly friends! We are in WV – beautiful place to rejuvenate the spirit. One of our vacation neighbors takes in strays, and has a vet coming Tuesday to check on a few. One kitten that she recently rescued is only 6 weeks old by the vets estimate. She was having trouble with bowel movements and her hind end was covered in maggots. They cleaned her up and she is on day 5 of an antibiotics, however with each strain to go to the bathroom, maggots still appear. The fear is that even though she is being cleaned each time, that there are many more than she can stand. Nearest emergency vet is 2 hours away in Virginia and not really a feasible option. Any advice on how best to help this baby until the vet can get out here on Tuesday?

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago


i am so sorry to hear about the kitty.. thank you for trying