Hi Pawly Friends, my 3-year-old cat is having UTI and his have blockage. He has a …

Hi Pawly Friends, my 3-year-old cat is having UTI and has a blockage. He has a very hard time with urine and sometimes he urined blood. He has no appetite to eat, but when he gets too hungry he will eat his dry food that the vet provided. I brought him to the vet two weeks ago. They unblocked him using a catheter and hospitalized him for almost a week without IV fluids. I brought him back but he’s still weak and wouldn’t eat. After a day of staying at home, he peed in blood in such a big amount. I brought him to the vet again at around 1 am because I was too afraid. The vet uses the catheter again and hospitalized him for another week. Again, I brought him home with some antibiotics and some other meds, he was so hungry because he didn’t eat well in the hospital. I boiled fish for him (no added spices, preservatives, etc) to mix with the dry food because he wouldn’t eat it alone. He ate and drank a lot. After 3 days, he started to pee in the blood again! HELP I don’t know what else can I do to help my baby!

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

I’m sorry to hear about your cat. Was bloodwork, Xray or urinalysis done? It might even be time for an ultrasound? It is time fir a diagnosis and better treatment plan. It is also time for medications and at home sq fluid therapy. I think I would also recommend seeking a second opinion. It just seems like you aren’t really getting anywhere with your current vet and treatments.