Hi! I recently became foster mom for a very young rescued kitten. He is…

Hi! I recently became foster mom for a very young rescued kitten. He is living in my garage until his first vet appointment. He goes anywhere he wants on the concrete floor. Is there a way to encourage him to use the box? Thanks!

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Carrie Melka
Carrie Melka
9 years ago

Yesterday he came in the house to have playtime. After, my daughter sat him in the litter box and he urinated! Thanks so much!

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hi….you don’t say how young he is….but very young animals, like babies have no control over their bladder and bowels. 

Give him some time, lots of patience and he’ll get the hang of it as he gets a bit older. 

Alicia Proulx
Alicia Proulx
9 years ago

You can try and put him in the box, then take one of his paws and move it in the litter box. If you do it often he should understand it