Hi! So I have a dog and cat, both vaccinated… cat stays inside but has traveled …


So I have a dog and cat, both vaccinated… cat stays inside but has traveled out to the porch and goes back inside…
Recently my neighbors have been walking their cat (not vaccinated) on a leash around the house…
Where I keep my dog on our side of the yard, my neighbors walk on our side, right outside my windows and on our porch… aside from it being invasive and annoying… I’m concerned about possibly my animals getting sick because of hers…. so my question is Can my animals get sick if their cat goes to the bathroom or something like that on our side of the yard, and say my dog eats it before I see it or something, or if it pees and he licks it on the grass? If it’s putting my animals at risk of getting sick or anything I’m going to say something about it. Thank you

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

It is very unlikely, and probably impossible, that your animals could get sick if they are not directly interacting with them. I would still recommend that you keep your pets vaccinated and check for and treat intestinal parasites. Your vet can help with these.