Hi, I want to start feeding my puppy homemade food but wondering whether I need…

Hi, I want to start feeding my puppy homemade food but wondering whether I need to give her a vitamin supplement to make sure she has a balanced diet?

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Beth Ingham
Beth Ingham
8 years ago

Thank you both for your advice and quick replies. I will look into to both of these 🙂

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

You don’t need supplements if you do it right. Read the book Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet by Steven Brown. Steve has been formulating commercial dog foods for over 20 years and so understands how to provide a balanced diet feeding homemade.  The book has a lot of science but chapter 5 has clear recipes to follow.  I have read over a dozen books on this topic and I think this is the best when it comes to helping you understand balanced nutrition.