Hi, does anyone think they know what type of breed my dog is? He’s supposed…

Hi, does anyone think they know what type of breed my dog is? He’s supposed to be a purebred miniature poodle but I don’t think he is. He has spots all around him, and his tail and size doesn’t look like a miniature poodle. Here’s the pic:

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Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

Hi, thanks for replying! I did not buy him from a breeder, we bought him from a puppy store called Dreamy puppy. I don’t think he was registered as a poodle. A lot of people think he’s a bichon frise, I have a hard time telling the difference between the small fluffy breeds too 🙂 🙂 Thanks!!!!!

Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

Thank you, just one more question- If you take him to the vet will the doctor be able to tell you or do you have to buy one of those DNA kit test things? Thank you ;>

8 years ago

did you buy him from a breeder?  was he registered as a poodle?  

i have difficulty with distinguishing the small fluffy companion breeds…i wish i could help ID the dog.  

8 years ago

Ah, that’s a shame…there really is no way to tell unless you want to spend money on one of those DNA tests.

8 years ago

A vet MAY be able to tell when your puppy is older. Maybe.