Hi, while looking for information about my 15 yo beagle’s combination of symptoms, I came across …

Hi, while looking for information about my 15 yo beagle’s combination of symptoms, I came across IVDD and a youtube video about Hank by Dr. Krista Magnifico. Several years ago, my beagle started having short tremors that would last a few seconds. Those are fairly common now, occurring multiple times an hour. Last year, she became incontinent at night, and leaked sometimes during the day. She is on Proin for that, and it has mostly stopped that issue. And in the last few months, her legs have started giving out from time to time. She doesn’t seem to act like she’s in pain, though she pants a lot, but always has, especially in the evenings. I have some short videos showing the tremors and her legs giving out, and I can provide you a link to Google photos if Dr. Magnifico would view them and let us know if it looks like IVDD or not. Thanks!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

This is a diagnosis that needs to be provided by an inperson examination. In some cases an X-ray can help and in others a CT is needed. Please don’t diagnose without a vet doing an exam on your dog.