Hi, I have a four year old Patterdale terrier. He has started to attack the TV…


I have a four year old Patterdale terrier. He has started to attack the TV when I watch cooking shows. He jumps at the TV and starts to try and bite it. We have tried putting out of the room and bringing him back in once the show has ended but he starts moaning if he is out of the room for too long.
Could I have some advice on how to stop this behaviour?
Thank you

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Hello, There seems to be something about either the noise, the color, the characters, etc that bothers or interests him. It only happens on cooking shows? If so I would try to offer toys, lots of exercise and start conditioning him by offering a toy, a fun treat or something he loves when he starts to react to the show. It might also help to start training him to not be so reactive by turning the song all the way down and working on him acclimating to the show without noise, or try to turn the picture down. The point… Read more »