Hiya, my 6 year old German Shepherd has been limping oddly since last Wednesday but…

Hiya, my 6 year old German Shepherd has been limping oddly since last Wednesday but doesn’t seem to be upset or anything by it. She is really happy and still playing etc which is weird as normally if she hurts herself she acts like she is dying! But occasionally, especially when she has layed down for a while she can split her legs ever so slightly. She can still jump on the sofas etc too.

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8 years ago

Have you tried putting her on crate rest for 24-48 hours to see if the limp will resolve on its own?  Allowing her to continue behaving normally is preventing it from healing and may be making it worse.

Crate rest means in the crate for the duration, and all potty breaks are on leash.  Out to toilet, then back inside…no walks, no play.