Hiya, my dog has pancreatitis and I have tried different food, medications and probiotics. Nothing seems …

Hiya, my dog has pancreatitis and I have tried different food, medications and probiotics. Nothing seems to work for long and hasn’t went for longer the 3 weeks without a bad spell. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to help him as he is only just 3 and I am fed up of him not being able to be a young dog.

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4 years ago

Have you tried low fat prescription food for this? I know Hill’s, RC, and Pro Plan all have a gastroenteric diet option.

Last edited 4 years ago by Laura
4 years ago
Reply to  Leah

I hope that one works.

4 years ago

I’m sure you have already discussed this with your vet, but maybe keeping a diary would help narrow things down and help you and your vet come up with a plan that lasts a little longer? Best of luck????

carrie Urquhart
4 years ago

I know you tried diets, but I wanted to add one maybe you hadn’t tried. Royal Canin makes amazing foods for sensitive stomachs. Have you had a full work up at the vet to rule out everything? I’ve seen nervous dogs who have constant pancreatitis. There was a medicine for nervous dogs that didn’t sedate them, cant remember the name of it right off but I could figure it out.