I recently took in a stray dog on Friday. He was very malnourished but…

I recently took in a stray dog on Friday. He was very malnourished but other than his big belly he seemed perfectly fine. He was playful and didn’t act sick. On Saturday night he began to throw up his dog food. (Purina One). I started feeding him only liquid foods. I gave him Tomato soup mixed with chicken broth and pepto. On Sunday I started to notice blood in his poop so I believe he has Parvovirus. I don’t have enough money to bring him to the vet and I am afraid of him dying. I am trying to keep him hydrated by giving him Gatorade raw eggs and a pepto pill dissolved in water. Is there any other home remedies that will get him well?

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9 years ago

he needs a vet, Bria.  please find a way to take him in, even if you have to get Care Credit or surrender him.

you have to think about HIS needs first, here…and not taking him to the vet when he’s obviously very sick is willful neglect.