If on homemade diet how much calcium for 17lb dog. Are human supp okay? …

If on homemade diet how much calcium for 17lb dog. Are human supp okay? If mix comm food and homemade still same req? Was on homemade for 11 mnths wthout supplements will this be bad for her? Home diet green beans ground beef pumpkin and cabbage.

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

There are veterinary nutritionists who can help you formulate a diet that is balanced and safe. Without knowing a whole lot more about your dog and your available food resources I am always petrified to recommend a homemade diet. I have seen far too many well intentioned pet parents miss giving key nutritional dietary components to advise homemade diets. Please contact a licensed veterinary nutritionist for specific dietary guidance to insure you are providing all of your dogs dietary needs.
I hope this helps. And I wish you the best of luck