front of the trailor and our room is in the back by the back door…

front of the trailor and our room is in the back by the back door. The dogs are constantly pooping and peeing in the hallway and right in front of my bedroom door. The owner puts puppy pads down in th hallway but they seldom use them it is either beside, on the walls, or right in front of my door, What can I do to get them to stop? ( there is a doggy door that they have 24/7 access to that goes into a huge fenced in back door)

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

I agree with Laura, lots of owners of small dogs think it is okay to let them use pee pads in the house — and of course the dogs get out of the habit of using the pads and end up going where ever they please after a few years.  I figure they put up with this since small dog turds are small and easy to pick up. BUT, YUCK!   Unfortunately unless everyone agrees to comply with a new regiment it is unlikely you will have much success house training these pooches.   To house train a dog requires… Read more »

9 years ago

if the dogs are using the house as a toilet, they aren’t housetrained.  there’s only so much you can do to fix this…you can work on training and you can clean the carpets/walls with an enzymatic cleaner, but EVERYONE in the house needs to be on board.

this situation sucks, and i’m sorry you’re dealing with it. 🙁