My husband and I are planned to pick up our new pup from the breeder…

My husband and I are planned to pick up our new pup from the breeder this weekend. The breeder just emailed us that our puppy was found to have juvenile cellulitis or “puppy strangles”. Researching online, it looks like most dogs have full recovery and no long-term effects with this diagnosis. The breeder said they caught it early and they went to the vet this morning and medications were initiated. Does anyone have any success stories of their pups having puppy strangles? Did it cause scarring or any long-term complications or side effects? Thanks so much for any feedback! (The pup is a goldendoodle and is 8 weeks old).

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

I have treated a few cases and I agree with your breeder. ALTHOUGH I strongly recommend you see your vet BEFORE purchasing. These cases typically require many many vet rechecks and these can be costly. I think these puppies have an excellent recovery rate, few (if any, (usually not any)) long term consequences or side effects, BUT they need multiple visits a week initially to help monitor response to treatment and progression of disease. I sincerely hope your breeder will pay for this, and most sincerely I hope that no breeder ever euthanizes for this disease. it is treatable.