I adopted a barn cat about 6 months ago. She has been doing well up until 2 days …

I adopted a barn cat about 6 months ago. She has been doing well up until 2 days ago… I noticed she wasn’t eating her favorite food, she’s lost weight and now she is vomiting. Her first vomit was foamy and her second was straight runny wet food.

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4 years ago

Has she been to the vet yet to be tested for parasites and other diseases and given her vaccinations? Either way, I would call first thing in the morning and get her in to see the vet. Keep an eye on her this evening- if she stops drinking water you might need to go to the ER. There are so many different things that could be causing, your vet will probably do some blood work. Hope everything is ok!!????????

4 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

I would double check her vaccination record then to be safe- and make sure she is not due for any boosters. (Concerned because of the symptoms) I hope it is nothing serious, but being that she is vomiting and you have noticed weight loss, I would definitely err on the side of caution.