I am in obx and I have been looking for help with my dog . I have …

I am in obx and I have been looking for help with my dog . I have saw your blog and your videos on you tube and wanted to reach out to you. My dog might have disc disease . She is in a hospital on another island down here . Actually it is my grandsons dog, he lives with me alone and this has been his best friend for 4 years . He is 11 and we adopted her . She woke up Monday and her back legs were shaky and then we took her to hospital and she has been there ever since . They have treated her with meds incase it was a bacteria or tick disease but she still can’t use her back legs. She still can’t stand . She is still in vets resting and getting great care. We don’t have much money so we can’t get her an mri but I grew up near jarretsville(went to John Carroll high) and when I saw your blog and video I thought maybe you could give us some advice. Can we email you? My email is Marygrace58@aol.com . I thank you so much! The vet here is so awesome and still gives us hope! but they are saying I might want to consider putting her down. Which I understand but I saw your videos and thought I might reach out. My grandson wants to bring her home but she can’t walk and use bathroom. Was hoping you could give us some help or advice. I just called up to your office because I was hoping to talk to you. The lady that answered the phone said this was the best way to contact you. My phone is 804 814 5068. I do not want to put the dog down. I would like to try and would like some ideas from you. Thank you for your time. Marygrace and AJ

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I am happy to help you here. I have a lot of information on my blog KMDVM.blogspot.com and my YouTube channel. If you go to them there is a lot (I hope all that you could need) there. I have to say that I rarely advise giving up on these cases until a few weeks has gone by and they are not making any progress. It usually takes these patients a few days (at least 5-7) to get to a stable place where assessment can even begun to be made. In that time it is very important to keep… Read more »