I am looking to discuss a possible polyp removal with Dr. Krista Magnifico. I have an …

I am looking to discuss a possible polyp removal you, Dr. Krista Magnifico. I have an upcoming appointment and have a few questions prior to visit. I have done a lot of research and have found your YouTube to be encouraging and informative. Blake is a 8 month Maine Coon and a lovable, gentle giant. He is otherwise super healthy albeit what looks to potentially be a polyp. I would like to discuss his journey to date and look forward to our upcoming appointment with you.

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago


Thank you for reaching out here.

I will do my best to help.

If there is anything we can discuss publicly you can add it here. Or call the clinic and leave your number. Tell them we spoke here and that I asked you to call. We can go over details at that time.
