kitten legs do not bend from the joint

I am writing to seek guidance and assistance regarding a concern I have about my four-week-old kitten. Last week, I noticed that her legs do not bend from the joint, and I am unsure of what steps I should take to address this issue. While she can move her legs, she is unable to walk and instead crawls using her front legs. I believe this condition may have been present since birth, as there have been no accidents or injuries that could have caused it.

I would greatly appreciate any advice or assistance that you or anyone else could provide in helping my kitten. She is a Scottish kitten

Thank you in advance for your attention and support.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Your kitten should see a veterinarian for help. I cannot advise what to do until the kitten has an exam. In almost all cases it ir very hard to treat these guys as they have bones with open growth plates if it is a congenital defect she may learn to ambulate around her defect.
I wish her well and I hope you can get to a vet soon