I feel like when it rains it pours, we just had our dog down for 3 weeks …

I feel like when it rains it pours, we just had our dog down for 3 weeks with a herniated disc and IVDD, now, our 2 year old cat started acting weird. Meowing, howling, laying in the litter box. It’s Christmas Day and we cannot afford an emergency vet visit. What do we do? I suspect it’s a UTI, I just want him to be okay until the morning.

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

Based on this brief description I am very worried that your cat has a urinary blockage which is often fatal if not treated. I’m sorry but I cannot advise anything except to go immediately to the closest ER.
There is no at home treatment and hoping it’s a uti and being wrong may very well cost your cat their life.