I found a spot under my male cats left neck area while petting him. He does …

I found a spot under my male cats left neck area while petting him. He does not seem to be bothered by it but I do see him licking that area. Is this a hot spot? If so, is this something that can be treated over the counter or does this warrant a trip to the vet? I bring him to Jarretsville Vet with Dr. Graf (love you guys!) but if it’s not necessary to bring him on a car ride I would avoid it. Just looking for advice. Thank you so much!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I don’t usually see hotspots in cats. And there is a significant amount of hair loss so I am a little worried. I can talk to de graf tomorrow and we can come up with a plan that works for you.
Please call the clinic in the morning to remind me.
Thank you for using pawbly and I will talk to you tomorrow.