I give my dogs Heart Guard Plus. For the life of me I cannot remember if …

I give my dogs Heart Guard Plus. For the life of me I cannot remember if I gave Them their September dose. (They were due September 1st). I need to know should they be tested for heart worms before I give them a dose now or is it ok to just give it to them?

Thank you!!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

These are the questions that are best decided by a phone call to your vet. I don’t know where you live and I don’t know the degree of Heartworm disease you have there. Here, in N Md late Sunner I would say to my clients to start now and work back toward the beginning of the month. Some vets will prefer to test and restart the pills from there. It’s definitely a question of exposure, environment and risk of disease. I hope this helps. Thank you for having your pets on Heartworm prevention. Take care.