I have. 2.5 yr old GSD that has had diarrhea and vomiting. He is drinking water and …

I have. 2.5 yr old GSD that has had diarrhea and vomiting. He is drinking water and does not seem lethargic. Some sleep might do him good, but he still wants to play. Is there anything i can give him??

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4 years ago

Depending on how long this has gone on, I would fast him for 24 hours, then slowly introduce bland food in the form of chicken or ground beef cooked well with no other seasonings and mixed with plain white rice, with a higher rice to meat ratio at first. Give SMALL amounts to see how he does. Give plenty of water. If the vomit and diarrhea persist, call the vet. If the vomit and diarrhea have persisted more than 48 hours already, call the vet.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mary Fischer

I think it’s fair, especially if you’ve never dealt with this before. We were definitely more willing to call the vet over every little thing until we began to understand how our dog handles things. Better to be overly cautious than let something go for far too long, you know?

I forgot to add one thing: once he’s keeping food down, plain yogurt is something I’d keep in your repertoire of things to help gut health. Bonus, most dogs absolutely love it.