I have a 1 year old American pit bull, very loving. She’s so miserably infested with …

I have a 1 year old American pit bull, very loving. She’s so miserably infested with fleas and nothing seems to be working. I’ve tried flea collars, flea shampoos, flea pills, flea spray and even coconut oil. And no luck whatsoever, they just seem to be getting worse. Please, any home remedies that will work almost instantly or even just work at all?

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4 years ago

Are you treating the environment as well as the dog? If she’s in your home, your home is also infested with fleas and needs to be treated.

4 years ago

Hi there- so sorry you are having this problem. Agree with Laura… you need to vacuum everyday, and clean blankets, dog bedding, etc throughly. I would revisit a flea bath and I would speak to the vet about preventatives and advice on treatment. Best of luck!!!

4 years ago

Over-the-counter flea treatments can be dangerous and home remedies seldom work, in my experience. Talk to your vet to get something that will take care of the problem. We use Revolution on our cats for fleas and it works great. I think they make one for dogs as well.