I have a 10-1/2 that you (Dr. Morgan) has seen over the years. Lilly started sneezing …

I have a 10-1/2 black lab that you (Dr. Morgan) has seen over the years. Lilly started sneezing yesterday and last nite and today she has had a nose bleed. What could be causing this? Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, There are lots of reasons pets sneeze. Allergies, foreign material inhaled (Like a piece of grass) into the nostrils, infection and even cancer are all possible. In general sneezing or longer than a few days duration causes rupturing of the delicate covering of the nasal turbinates (the internal tissue of the nose). When you over stress this tissue it starts to breakdown and causes bleeding. I use the analogy of blowing your nose for days when you have a head cold and then notice blood in your tissue/Kleenex. If the sneezing persists please call for an exam so we… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago
Reply to  deehoeck1

You’re welcome! Be safe.