I have a 12 year old golden retriever that has developed a red bump on her skin …

I have a 12 year old golden retriever that has developed a red bump on her skin under her fur. The lump is not painful to touch and she does not seem to notice it, but it has grown quite a bit in the last few weeks and I can see little blood vessels inside of it. She has a vet appointment in 10 days, but I am really hoping someone can tell me if they recognize this bump in the photo and tell me what it could be. I have putting castor oil on it which is why it has goop around it. She is also panting a lot, regardless of the room temperature.

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Krista Magnifico
1 month ago


It is not possible to diagnose via a photo. Diagnosis is made by an aspirate or biopsy. Further based on your description it sounds like a vet is needed soon as it is growing quickly. I’m sorry I can’t help more.