I have a 15 y.o. cat who was attacked by a feral cat and I treated 2 …

I have a 15 y.o. cat who was attacked by a feral cat and I treated 2 abscesses and they healed–now 2 weeks later one has re-abscessed. I’m a retired doc on a fixed Army pension and vets here in Hawaii charge $100 just to be seen, not including procedures! Can I puncture the abscess with a sterile scalpel and drain it myself again or did I miss something? The local pet store sells OTC Abx. Would I treat as a person–same staph type Abx?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

these cases need an examination, assessment of the size, depth and severity of the injury and then medications like an antibiotic, analgesic and ecollar,