I have a 17 year old female cat recently diagnosed with kidney disease, treatment is with a …

I have a 17 year old female cat recently diagnosed with kidney disease, treatment is with a prescription low-phosphorous diet.

She is suffering with stiff joints, I am considering supplements such as glucosamine to help. But are such supplements suitable for her diet? I believe glucosamine itself is kidney-safe, but wonder about other additives such as salt or potassium which she needs to avoid.

Any advice on safe glucosamine supplements for a cat with kidney problems?

Many thanks

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5 years ago

Good morning,
I would just make a quick phone call to your vet to get their take on it. They will know best for the patient since they are familiar with the situation. Best of luck!

Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I’m so sorry that you couldn’t get more help without an exam charge. It is really one of the reasons I created this site. I hope that your vet was able to help. I always try to provide lots of help and guidance and a way to be accessible. For most of these cats there is concurrent disease and aging processes. Joint pain and difficulty are one of them. I talk about providing an environment to help these elderly patients and make it easier for them to live in their world. Think about making her world small and easy… Read more »