EMERGENCY!! HELP HELP I have a 2yr old orange Tabby cat who got out and was gone for over …

I have a 2yr old orange Tabby cat who got out and was gone for over a month. When he finally came home he was covered in fleas and seriously underweight and underfed and dehydrated, but seemed okay. He was eating fine and drinking at first. However the past week or so he hasn’t been wanting to eat or drink and has lost even more weight. I took him to the vet today and they said he needs a blood transfusion bc he’s anemic and he’s jaundiced and needs iv fluids but they couldn’t do it bc they have no one there on the weekends and the vet wasn’t willing to go in. I’ve called every vet I can Google and everyone said the same thing and wouldn’t take him except the trauma vet but they quoted me an outrageous price and I don’t qualify for care credit so they said i should just euthanize him. He’s my baby and idk what to do but I do know he deserves a chance. Is there any way for me to treat those things at home? Please HELP

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

Hello, I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. I would call every rescue and shelter and see if anyone can help. At minimum I would see if anyone will help you with fluid therapy (even if it is sq), an antibiotic, appetite stimulant and syringe feeding. In essence you have to provide round the clock care for her to see if she can survive this. Even with all of the money in the world it sounds like she is in very serious poor condition and her prognosis is not good. Put out a social media plea and keep calling… Read more »