I have a 4 year old miniture dachshund that suddenly couldn’t walk anymore we took him …

I have a 4 year old miniture dachshund that suddenly couldn’t walk anymore we took him to the emergency room and they took some x Ray’s and stated that there were a couple disks that looked concerning. We were told to keep him in the cage for 4 weeks and see how things go 2 days he seems worse so we took him to the vet and they said make sure that he continues to eat and drink and urinate. IVDD surgery seems like one of our only options however, I dont want it to fail and have him be in more pain any suggestion?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry to hear about your pup. I would say that in general veterinarians agree that surgery done as soon as possible is the best course of treatment for the next long term prognosis. I tell my clients that it is usually about a $7-10,000 endeavor. If this is not affordable (which is the majority of cases) to provide medical management and strict cage rest. And that they usually get worse over 3-5 days and not better. I also say to focus all your time and attention to basic husbandry. Keep them clean dry and pain free and monitor… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

This book is also helpful
