I have a 5 month old kitten. And my nephew pulled hurt his tail it comes out …

I have a 5 month old kitten. And my nephew pulled hurt his tail it comes out a little bit then it goes limp what should I do if it’s only been two days

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Please have your kitten seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. I suspect an X-ray is indicated to assess the tail. I also think that at this age your kitten should be vaccinated (if it isn’t already) . So even if the tail is not able to be treated your kitten needs vaccines, preventatives.
Usually with tails I let them try to heal on their own as long as they are waking, urinating and defecating normally AND they are not self traumatizing it. It can be monitored for a while to assess healing.

5 years ago

In addition to what Dr. Magnifico said, keep your nephew away from your cat.