I have a 6 year old, female Doberman mix (we rescued her and not sure her exact …

I have a 6 year old, female Doberman mix (we rescued her and not sure her exact breed-she is smaller than most Doberman-she is around 44 lbs. About a month ago, she started having accidents in the house, constant urination, and dribbling stream when she actually pees. I thought she probably had a UTI and took her to the vet. They assumed as well she probably had a UTI and gave me a prescription. After ten days on prescription, no change. I went back to vet and told her there had been no change. They started her on Proin. She has been taking this for about 2.5 weeks and there has been no change. When I take her out , she pees about 4 times in a dribble.

They have done blood tests, urinalysis, and x ray. Even after using bathroom twice, her bladder still had urine in it. They are going to send it to a specialist, but we are already about $800 in and no answers. I feel so bad for my girl, because she is embarrassed when she has an accident inside. Any help would be great!

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Krista Magnifico
8 months ago

I think that there are really only two good options. See if you can find another general practitioner to review your pup with an examination and a review of what you have done already or take the referral for the best chance at getting your diagnosis.
In some cases your original vet can call for a consultation with the veterinarians who provide the diagnostics. You can ask about this. It is free and often gives them access to a specialist without the cost.