I have a 6 year old German shepherd who has raised pink lump on her snout. …

I have a 6 year old German shepherd who has his raised pink lump on her snout. I noticed it 2 weeks ago. I asked to a previous vet I used to work for years ago and he said apply animax ointment for a week and see if it goes down. If it goes down then okay cool , if not we need to sedate and remove it fast. I did not really want to have her sedated but I mean… I’m more curious about what it looks like and how fast it grew. It’s never happened before and it’s solid. No bleeding yet. I did forget to mention she has two. The one in her nose is different than the white one I found in her left shoulder. Is it just age ? Also , it bothered her when I touched her nose

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

It is not possible to diagnose a lump or bump by a picture. This should be done with a veterinarian at an in person exam. After the exam a list of possibilities. But to truly know what it is you need cells or tissue from the mass. Like a biopsy.
Of all the possible things it could be a histocytoma is on the list. Ask them about this.
I hope this helps.
