I have a 7 year old female cat who seems to have contracted a bad cold. Her …

I have a 7 year old female cat who seems to have contracted a bad cold. Her nose is completely stuffed up to the point where she has to breathe through her mouth . Because of that she is eating and drinking very litte and I am very worried about her. I have had her since she was born and she means the world to me. I know she should be seen by a vet but I can’t afford that until I get paid in two weeks . Does anyone have any recommendations for any OTC meds I can purchase locally to help open my baby’s nose so she can breathe better and start eating and drinking again. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thsnk you.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I think it is best to been seen by a get before presuming this is infection. I also think that waiting for help or trying OTCs that are probably not going to work and may possibly even be unsafe is too dangerous for me to advocate. I understand about needing to waiting to be paid but perhaps there are low cost options locally. Call every rescue, vet and shelter to look for assistance. You can certainly keep her face and nose clean by removing any caked on mucous around the nose or… Read more »

5 years ago

I agree that your cat needs to be seen by a vet right away. The longer you wait, the worse and more costly it will be, unfortunately. Explain to your vet that you don’t get paid until two weeks, and see if they can hold your bill until then. Best of luck.