I have a 8 year old American Shorthair. Her name is Puma. We recently experienced a very …

I have a 8 year old American Shorthair. Her name is Puma. We recently experienced a very traumatizing and costly visit to the emergency room. They recommended euthanizing her since we couldn’t afford their costly treatment plan. They explained that she had severe narrowing of her trachea due to a growth. Possible nasal polyps. Her more overt symptoms include an obvious blockage, snoring/snorting sounds while breathing, and head shaking. I recently watched Dr. Magnifico’s video on Stripes and his Nasopharyngeal Polyp removal and was surprised to see that sedation and a visual exam/removal could be done within such a short time with great results. Giving my husband and I restored hope. We love our little girl so much and don’t know what we do without her. Are there any vets within this network that anyone would recommend that would charge a more reasonable pricing for a similar procedure in California?

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4 years ago

Hi???????? I would start with a discussion with your regular vet to see if they could point you in the direction of someone who is capable. They should have a better idea of people in the area. You also might want to call local rescues, humane society, etc. as they may know of someone to put you in touch with, since they are usually networked with a larger group of veterinarians. Perhaps even searching on the internet may help get you to someone who could help. I hope to that you are able to find someone and that they can… Read more »