I have a 9yo. Siamese that has been diagnosed with possible nasal polyps. His …

I have a 9yo. Siamese that has been diagnosed with possible nasal polyps. His more overt symptoms include an obvious blockage, snoring/snorting sounds while breathing, some drainage, head shaking. He has seen 3 different vets, all giving estimates for upwards of 2.5k+ for an investigative rhinoscopy/surgery.
I recently watched Dr. Magnifico’s video on Stripes and his Nasopharyngeal Polyp removal and was surprised to see that sedation and a visual exam/removal could be done within such a short time with great results. This was never offered as an option with any other vet visits.
Are there any vets within this network that anyone would recommend that would charge a more reasonable pricing for a similar procedure in the greater NYC area?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Call my friends at Long Island Spay and Neuter. I bet he would be willing to try to examine your kitty and help. I ask one small favor in return. Please PLEASE! Let me know what happens and please also add your cats experience and price for care into our storyline section. It will help others. And pay it forward. Let me know what happens.