I have a American Staffordshire Terrier. She has had anxiety since we got her at a …

I have a American Staffordshire Terrier. She has had anxiety since we got her at a very young age of 6 weeks from a kill shelter in WV. She is now 7. I think all the vets at Jarrettsville Vet have seen Lucy at one time or another. We just moved 2 weeks ago. From the beginning of May when we started packing up the old house and continuing after we moved, she is having anxiety about going outside to use the potty. She has a covered crate, which she loves, that she stays in while I’m at work. But she has terrible anxiety about going outside, even if Lilly comes with us. I might get her to pee then she runs back into the house and poops. I don’t get it. I’ve never had an issue with her messing in the house before this. Does a calming medication help in this type of situation? I don’t want to drug her but we somehow have to work thru this so she feels comfortable about going outside and doing her business. She is on a leash so i’m always with her. I just don’t know what else to do. Any suggestions? Thank you for any help you can provide!

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4 years ago

Hi there- so sorry this is going on. I think you might have to go “back to basics” just for a bit… meaning that rewarding for going outside like when first potty training. Being on a leash will help her from bolting back inside. You may have to wait outside until she goes, but rewarding right after will help cement the deal. As she was house trained before, it may not take long at all to get her back on track. Hope this is helpful!????????

4 years ago

I wouldn’t be afraid of medication. Sometimes it’s necessary to bring the dog back down from an anxious state to work with them to get through an issue.