I have a cat named Izzy and she is about 10 months old. She has Pectus Excavatum. …

I have a cat named Izzy and she is about 10 months old. She has Pectus Excavatum. She has started to have some wheezing after she plays for about 20 – 30 minutes. I don’t have the thousands it would cost to fix her chest and the risk of air getting into her chest cavity scares me. I keep her on a steady diet so she doesn’t gain too much weight and cause more issues breathing. She’s never has an upper respiratory infection, no fluid coming out of her nose, fever, nothing. She gets tired very easily.

Her heart has been pushed to one side of her rib cage due to this condition. Is there any way I can help her without spending an arm and a leg?

As you can see in the photo, she sits very scrunched up due to the way her ribs are shaped.

Thanks in advance.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I know if lots of vets who will do this surgery at a more affordable price. I would call around. Call everyone locally and call the cat specialty clinics. Keep calling and keep asking. Call the rescues and shelters and keep calling. Also put up requests on social media sites like Facebook and Nextdoor.com. There are people out there who can do this surgery and who will do it affordably. When you find them PLEASE!! share their name and info and PLEASE add the story to our storylines. Pawbly is all about trying to Connect people like you with… Read more »