I have a cat that is dealing with urinary issues. Started yesterday with him straining but …

I have a cat that is dealing with urinary issues. Started yesterday with him straining but nothing coming out. I like many others do not have the $2k that the vet will most likely charge.
**I will take him in tomorrow to have bladder emptied, get antibiotics & anti inflammatory which will be around $300. That I can handle. My question is, what can I do at home to help the situation?

I saw online that apple cider vinegar has been used? Does anyone have any experience with home / natural remedies of any kind?

I do understand that it can be fatal if cats bladder is not relieved because of accumulation of toxins and electrolyte imbalance.

And I know that often we are referred to rescues & animal shelters for options with financial help. But unfortunately all of them in my area are already asking for help from community. And last vey I took a cat to for this recommended euthanasia if couldn’t afford to treat, so I’m also well aware that vets aren’t going to help either.

So is there ANYONE in this community that has experience with homeopathic/ natural remedies that can assist?

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

Hello, I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. And all of the others in his situation. I do not have any experience with apple cider and honestly I am too worried about what is likely already going on with your cat to try to advise anything else other then the er. I’m working really hard to accumulate a list of affordable places and options. Please let me know if you find anyone locally. Please keep calling everyone and everywhere. If all else fails offer to surrender your cat to get the care he needs. I know it’s not fair… Read more »