I have a male orange cat who has been in and out of the vet for …

I have a male orange cat who has been in and out of the vet for urinary troubles.
Three weeks ago I took him into the emergency vet for what seemed to be a UTI, he was constantly trying to urinate only producing small amounts. I panicked because two years ago he experienced a total blockage.
The vet three weeks ago told me he was not blocked and had no crystals and sent me home with gabapentin.
Three weeks later he experienced an actual blockage. Again I took him to the vet, they unblocked him, flushed his bladder and told me this time he had a ton of crystals. They sent him home after about only an hour of being there. Two days of him being home he blocked AGAIN and I had to repeat the process. This time he came home with a catheter that I had to monitor. I took him back in the next day and they monitored him all day, then proceeded to call and say they would like to send him home with another catheter. I opted to have him stay at the vet overnight and he was sent home with no catheter the next day. I picked him up yesterday afternoon and he was just kind of dribbling urine and squatting around the house. At least this time urine was being produced, just not many strong streams.
Today he is acting normal until he urinates and then he feels like he has to keep going. He does that until he falls asleep. Then the process repeats.
He is currently taking Gabapentin, Prazosin, Zeniquin and he just finished his last pill of Onsior. He is also strictly eating OTC urinary wet food.
I’m just wondering if this is normal behavior after having being in and out of the vet so much within the last few weeks. He isn’t blocked up but he’s still trying to urinate often in and out of the litter box, producing some urine. He is able to drain his bladder, it just takes some time. I’ve dropped about $2500 so far and am so worried this isn’t going to get better soon. I’m sorry this was such a long post, I just need some help. I like my vet it just seems like there is more to do. Thank you in advance.

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Krista Magnifico
7 months ago

I would recommend the following;
1. send a urinalysis to the lab for analysis
2. take an xray of the bladder to make sure there isnt a bladder stone
3. i recommend in hospital iv fluids for 3 days to flush the bladder
4. long term analgesic therapy. I like gabapentin
5. a canned food urinary prescription diet

best of luck