I have a Persian cat 7 yrs she isn’t breathing that well. I personally think she …

I have a Persian cat 7 yrs she isn’t breathing that well. I personally think she is stuffed up or has something in her airway causing her to breathing problems. I’ve spent $2000 on testing with no results and I can’t continue to go bankrupt to fix her. Is there anyone in the San Tan Valley area who will give her a cat scan for reasonable price and cure my cat. Thanks.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I would ask for a referral to a feline specialist and explain your financial concerns. I also think that even if you could scrape together the funds for a ct scan it is unlikely to cure your cat. It will just provide more information towards a diagnosis. It doesn’t treat them. Also talk about allergies, perhaps shaving your cat down and anything you can try medically and inexpensively to help improve her breathing like an antihistamine steroid or even a bronchodilator.