I have two male guinea pigs. Brothers, 8 months old. My friend would like to breed her …

I have two male guinea pigs. Brothers, 8 months old. My friend would like to breed her female pig with one of my males. If I let one of my males breed with her can he then return to continue living with his brother again? Or will they fight because of the female scent?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I’m sorry but we don’t have any pocket pet people here. This is out of my arena. Have you tried any of the Facebook groups for this question.

4 years ago

I personally wouldnt as before I got my guinea pig was separated from his 2 brothers when the cage was getting cleaned and since then he was picked on and that’s why I have him now as he was going to get seriously injured. Or you could get one of your guinea pigs neutered and use the other for breeding but there’s still always that chance of them not being okay.