I just found out that one or both of my cats are peeing/spraying on my …

I just found out that one or both of my cats are peeing/spraying on my baseboards in the basement. This has never been a problem. I have no idea what has caused this or what to do to stop it. I have 2 female cats. They get along just fine with no issues. What could this mean? How can I stop it?

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

Hello, I always tell my clients that if cats had opposable thumbs they would write on the walls “Hey! Pay attention there’s a problem!” But they don’t so instead they pee outside of the box. There is an issue. The challenge is figuring out what that issue is. First head to the vet for an examination and bloodwork to include a urinalysis. Look for a medical issue like uti,cystitis, diabetes, Kinsey disease etc etc. Lots of things cause abnormal urine output. Start there. Otherwise a medical condition can continue and worsen your cats prognosis. After that address behavior. We add… Read more »