I just recently moved in with my S/O and their dog hates it. She gets …

I just recently moved in with my S/O and their dog hates it. She gets jealous. She didnt pee in the floor before and now she does. She always has to be under the covers and worms her way in between us. She stares at me all the time and when i walk towards her she rolls on her back and shows me her stomach. If we leave her outside of the room she whines and claws at the door. When its just me home she doesnt get in the bed, but if hes home she’ll hop right up with us. Im at a whits end.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, Please try to understand your partners pets point of view. How would you feel if you believed that your whole life that no one else I RN he world mattered as much as you and then all of the sudden you are told to move over and make room for someone else? It takes time to adjust to a new person especially a new person invading your space and your life. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about pets or kids. If you are the new person to the equation you have to adapt to their way of… Read more »