I recently adopted a 9 year old cat. He is very affectionate and loves to be pet …

I recently adopted a 9 year old cat. He is very affectionate and loves to be pet but he won’t allow me to pick him up or hold him. I haven’t forced the issue, but someday he’s going to need a nail trim or medicine. How do I get him comfortable with being picked up and handled? The rescue paperwork notes the prior owner couldn’t pick him up either. He’s been to the vet and physically he is fine.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I think a few things help. One and foremost, all good things happen in your presence. For example. Feeding happens near you. And should always be associated with you talking and being present. Next if you can touch him I would scruff and start to pet him to the point he relaxes so he is sort of forced to accept you. Now this is not a perfect plan. If he cannot be touched you should cage him and not allow him to hide and avoid you. My point is every cat is different and every persons expectation is different.… Read more »

5 years ago

Give it time. Lots of time. Mine wasn’t okay with it at first, either – it took him 6 months before I could pick him up, and another 2 years before he’d let me do nail trims without wrapping him in an afghan and pulling his legs out of the holes.