I recently notice a lump on my dog’s neck and went to go get it …

I recently notice a lump on my dog’s neck and went to go get it checked out. I found out it can possibly be a lipoma and came across a YouTube video and where the cost for the removal was cheaper compared to the close to $2000 I was shown from my vet. I’m a student trying to manage my own college costs and my part time job is barley helping me out. I was wondering if anyone knows of a great vet in Los Angeles with reasonable price for the removal or something to just help me

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Ask friends and family and even place a post on social media or to allthe shelters and rescues for vets who might be more affordable. And talk to your vet about the price. Ask if there is any way they can do it safely but at a price you can afford. And please! Please add the estimate to our storylines page. That is the place we hope to be able to find information about vets and vet practices to rocked transparency in pricing to people around the world.