I took my German Shepherd Diesel to a small airport near my house that is all …

I took my German Shepherd Diesel to a small airport near my house that is all desert (southern Nevada) on 8/17/2024.
He was running and chasing rabbits and was just fine. He is a very healthy dog, 8 years old, and has never had any health issues, not even hip dysplasia. He doesn’t have the common sloping back/angulation in GSDs, but a straight back, which is probably why he doesn’t have hip dysplasia. Anyway, today and yesterday, he started showing signs of limping on his rear right leg, which was much more visible today. He is hardly putting any pressure on the foot, often lifting it up. I gave him some carprofen for pain and inflammation. I trimmed his nails, because they were a little long and it looked like they were pushing up his toes and could have been the source of discomfort. It didn’t seem to help. Since we were in the desert, I checked for any injuries from the rough terrain and for cactus needles. No sign of any, but I am still very concerned. What should I do?

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