I was wondering if the Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy is a good treatment for a very …

I was wondering if the Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy is a good treatment for a very active female Akita-husky mix, approximately 2.5 years old? Tater has been spayed, and didn’t react to that procedure well. She “guarded” her abdomen and haunches for over a year. We have moved, so have access to a different vet. Her primary vet office is Price’s Creek (Ohio), who referred her to Medvet for the surgery. I can’t remember the vet who we had Tater’s consultation with at Medvet.

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Krista Magnifico
12 days ago

If you are confident with the diagnosis of a cranial cruciate ligament injury then I do believe that a TPLO is the best way to treat this. As far as your choice of surgeon you can certainly ask your vet or a trusted member of your community for advice.