I work at an outdoor kennel. We use the big 5 gallon buckets for water. We give …

I work at an outdoor kennel. We use the big 5 gallon buckets for water. We give the dogs fresh water daily but my coworker “Emily” believes that because she wipes the inside of bucket with her hand as she’s rinsing it out, it’s clean. I tried to explain if she ran a scrub brush around inside and outside of it than I wouldn’t have to disinfect them as much. Can u tell me where I can learn online about risks of not thoroughly cleaning ?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

hello Holly! I own a kennel/boarding facility and if she were my employee she would be instructed to dump the excess water and get a new clean bucket daily. We change out food and water dishes for everyone every day, and anytime it is dirty. This includes cleaning, scrubbing, disinfecting and drying. Every pet every day. There is a lot of information on this on multiple sites; heres a good overview to use as a basic guideline. https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/breeders/dogs/9-Housing-Part-2-3-2016-SpeakerNotes.pdf please remember that these are minimum acceptable standards.. they aren’t even close to adequate for my kennel. If you own a pet… Read more »